(Effective June 2001)

Lay Readers exercise a special and very valuable ministry in our Diocese. Becoming a Lay Reader involves a special calling and commitment. Lay Readers shall be governed by the following regulations:

1. Lay Readers shall be licensed by the Bishop for one parish and under the direction of the Rector. This does not prevent the Lay Reader from being invited to lay read elsewhere. Licenses continue in effect only at the pleasure of the Bishop and new licenses must be issued on the appointment of a new Rector.

2. Lay Readers may:
a) Lead Morning and Evening Prayer or portions thereof (with the exception of the Absolution and Blessing) and other forms authorized by the Bishop. Instead of the Absolution, after the General Confession, the Lay Reader may use the Collect for the 21st or the 24th Sunday after Trinity (BCP) or the Prayer on Page 46 (BAS) substituting "us" for "you' and "our" for "your".
(b) Deliver, from the Lectern, sermons and addresses authorized by the Rector.
(c) Instruct children in the Church.
(d) Visit and pray with the sick and other parishioners as the occasion may require.

3. In the absence of a clergy person, a Lay Reader may also:
(a) Read the Order for the Burial of the Dead or Funeral Liturgy (and none other) when called upon to do a burial in any cemetery belonging to the Church.
(b) Baptize infants privately at home, but only in case of grave necessity and not otherwise, using the form sanctioned by the Bishop for that purpose.

4. Lay Readers must:
(a) Report to the Rector, immediately, all private baptisms and burials so that proper records may be kept.

5. In the conduct of public worship, the Lay Reader should wear a blue scarf with a black cassock and white surplice or an alb, to be supplied by the parish or congregation. A university graduate may wear the hood of his/her degree, with a cassock and surplice.

6. To be licensed as a Lay Reader, a person must fulfill the following qualifications:
(a) Be confirmed.
(b) Be of sound morals.
(c) Be a regular worshiper and communicant.
(d) Be instructed in how to lead worship. A part of this training should include assisting the Rector or another Lay Reader in leading worship.
(e) Be accepted by the vestry or parish council.
(f) Be recommended by the Rector in written application to the Bishop.

7. During a vacancy in the parish, the Lay Reader may carry on all the foregoing duties until a new Rector is appointed and a new license obtained.
(Effective June 2001)

Eucharistic Assistants exercise a special and very valuable ministry in our Diocese. Becoming a Eucharistic Assistant involves a special calling and commitment. Eucharistic Assistants shall be governed by the following regulations:

1. Eucharistic Assistants shall be licensed by the Bishop for one parish and under the direction of the Rector. This does not prevent the Eucharistic Assistant from being invited to assist elsewhere. Licenses continue in effect only at the pleasure of the Bishop and new licenses must be issued on the appointment of a new Rector.

2. Eucharistic Assistants may:
(a) Assist the Rector or Priest in the administration of Holy Communion, as directed by him/her.

3. When assisting at the Eucharist, a Eucharistic Assistant should wear an alb or a black cassock with a white surplice, to be supplied by the parish or congregation.

4. To be licensed as a Eucharistic Assistant, a person must fulfill the following qualifications:
(a) Be confirmed.
(b) Be of sound morals.
(c) Be a regular worshiper and communicant.
(d) Be instructed in the administration of the Eucharist.
(e) Be accepted by the vestry or parish council.
(f) Be recommended by the Rector in written application to the Bishop.

5. During a vacancy in the parish, a Eucharistic Assistant may assist a visiting Priest until a new Rector is appointed and a new license obtained.


(Effective June 2001)

Pastoral Visitors exercise a special and very valuable ministry in our Diocese. Becoming a Pastoral Visitor involves a special calling and commitment. Pastoral Visitors shall be governed by the following regulations:

1. Pastoral Visitors shall be licensed by the Bishop for one parish and under the direction of the Rector. This does not prevent the Pastoral Visitors from visiting people, in the hospital or nursing home setting, that may be from beyond their parish, providing that the requirements of the institution are met. Licenses continue in effect only at the pleasure of the Bishop and new licenses must be issued on the appointment of a new Rector.

2. Pastoral Visitors may:
(a) Visit and pray with people in their homes, as directed by the Rector.
(b) Visit and pray with people in hospital or nursing homes, as directed by the Rector and /or the Diocesan Chaplain

3. To be licensed as a Pastoral Visitor, a person must fulfill the following qualifications:
(a) Be confirmed.
(b) Be of sound morals.
(c) Be a regular worshiper and communicant.
(d) Be instructed in the skills of pastoral visitation.
(e) Be accepted by the vestry or parish council.
(f) Be recommended by the Rector in written application to the Bishop.

4. During a vacancy in the parish, a Pastoral Visitor may continue the foregoing duties until a new Rector is appointed and a new license obtained.